Let The Looters Loot

Moustafa Ismael
2 min readNov 1, 2020

Depending on which TV network you follow, you probably think most people on the streets right now are either peaceful sign carrying protestors or a bunch of window breaking thugs and looters just out to grab a free pair of Gucci shoes or a Louboutin purse.

Fox News would definitely make you think everyone in the streets is out to reck havoc and to take advantage of an opportune moment to get free merchandise.

CNN might have you thinking those are one offs and that the majority of the protestors are following protest rules to the teeth. They have their protest permit, they march and sing and follow the rules set by the police, they don’t cross the crosswalk until it’s green, and they leave a few minutes before curfew sets in giving them enough time to exit the curfew area.

What it means to protest

In America we were brought up with a pretty good understanding of what it means to peacefully protest. You don’t break things, you don’t go where you’re not allowed to go, you don’t graffiti walls, you don’t do things outside the bounds of marching in a straight line down an empty street. Empty because you have a protest permit remember?

This begs the question, what’s the point of protesting any way? Is it simply a venue to express your grievances and make yourself feel better? Is it a way to get your voice heard by somehow getting enough media attention? Or is it a way to get backing and support from those who have the power to change things?

As the saying goes, a protest with a permit is just another parade.

